
Treatment Centers by City

  • Community Health Center
  • Community Health Center
    is located at 680 East Market Street Akron, OH. 44305 and can be contacted by calling 330-434-4141 x3746. Community Health Center offers treatment services for Alcoholism, Illicit Drug Addiction and Prescription Drug Abuse

    Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Expectant Mothers, Women
    Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Insurance - Private Pay, Insurance - Military, Self Pay

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  • Chronic alcohol abuse enlarges the kidneys, alters hormone functions, and increases the risk of kidney failure.
  • How alcohol affects an individual is most often determined by their blood alcohol level (BAC); things that affect a person's BAC may include how strong the concentration of alcohol that they consume is, the rate of consumption, the amount of alcohol that is ingested, and how empty their stomach is when they are drinking.
  • Genetics: Alcoholism is a complex health issue. Therefore, there are likely to be many genes involved in increasing a person's risk for alcoholism. Scientists are searching for these genes, and have found areas on chromosomes where they are probably located. Powerful new techniques may permit researchers to identify and measure the specific contribution of each gene to the complex behaviors associated with heavy drinking. This research will provide the basis for new medications to treat alcohol-related problems.
  • Alcohol in moderation has been known to increase digestion, but this may be due to its relaxing effect; in higher "doses", alcohol can cause inflammation of the stomach lining, which is one of the primary reasons that an individual may experience heartburn and nausea the day after a bout with binge drinking.

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