
Treatment Centers by City

  • L and P Services
  • L and P Services
    is located at 919 Mitchell Avenue Beverly, OH. 45715 and can be contacted by calling 740-984-2651. L and P Services offers treatment services for Alcoholism, Prescription Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Addiction

    Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Over 50, Hearing Impaired Clients
    Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Insurance - Military, Self Pay, Sliding-Scale Fee

  • Contact Us
  • Excessive alcohol consumption increases aggression, which can increase the risk of physically assaulting another person.
  • Heavy alcohol consumption makes someone seven times more likely to develop esophageal cancer, 80% more likely to have colon cancer and 50% more likely to develop lung cancer.
  • How does alcohol affect a person? Alcohol affects every organ in the body. It is a central nervous system depressant that is rapidly absorbed from the stomach and small intestine into the bloodstream. Alcohol is metabolized in the liver by enzymes; however, the liver can only metabolize a small amount of alcohol at a time, leaving the excess alcohol to circulate throughout the body. The intensity of the effect of alcohol on the body is directly related to the amount consumed.
  • Blood Alcohol Level of .05%-.06%: You feel warm and relaxed. If you're the shy type when you're sober, you lose your feelings of shyness. Your behavior may become exaggerated, making you talk louder or faster or act bolder than usual. Emotions are intensified, so your good moods are better and your bad moods are worse. You may also feel a mild sense of euphoria.

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